Wednesday, April 15, 2009

College Slogans

I need some help here. I keep coming across colleges who are using the same admissions slogan. And there have been quite a few of them.

"Start Here. Go Anywhere!"

And I keep seeing it!! So do me a favor, will you please? Add as a comment here any school that you know who uses this slogan that you've seen. I think we're going to find a few.

Then... food for thought. Do you think they know other (many other) schools are using this too??

Part II, totally unrelated. Just read a FANTASTIC article that I have to share. I'm wrapping up my master's degree thesis so this hit home with me:

Excerpt: Everyone knows that today's college students cannot write, but few seem willing to admit that the professors who denounce them are not doing much better. The problem is so blatant there are signs that students are catching on. In my American history survey course last semester, I presented a few writing rules that I intended to enforce inflexibly. The students looked more and more peevish; they looked as if they were about to run down the hall, find a telephone, place an urgent call and demand that someone from the A.C.LU. rush up to campus to sue me for interfering with their First Amendment rights to compose unintelligible, misshapen, sentences.
Finally one aggrieved student raised her hand and said, "You are telling us not to write long, dull sentences, but most of our assigned reading is full of long, dull sentences."

1 comment:

  1. If you google the slogan, you will find it is used by a great number of colleges.


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