Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What if my major turns into a nightmare??

I just read an excellent advice column written to a student who had switched majors and was now not happy in the second one either:

I agree with the author in that it's good to know that sometimes it happens in your junior/senior year of college where you're burned out on the subject and overwhelmed. I would also agree with the "don't jump!" advice given... it's totally worth it in the end.

I would compare my undergrad experience a little bit like a marathon, which I've done a few of (on skis). It seems like a great idea when you're starting out. There is excitement, anticipation and and the feeling of rising to a challenge. This feeling lasts into the race for a few kilometers where it feels like you're flying and could do it forever. Then comes about mid race where you're starting to get a little tired but keep plugging through because, hey, you're halfway!

After that, about 3/4 of the way in I start to wonder why in the world I thought doing this was a good idea. It's not fun at that point, everything hurts and I swear up and down at that point I will never do this again. But I keep going. And going. And going. Then I get into the angry part. I HATE the race and the course and my skis and that harmless tree over there. They're all conspiring to make me miserable. And then... miraculously you can SEE the finish line. I think the last 50 meters or so of the race are truly the longest because you are pushing so hard and it seems like the line stays the same distance away.

Suddenly, though, you've crossed the finish line.

And then, as you start to recover and look back you realize how great the experience was. And what funny things happened along the way. And how it really wasn't so bad. And, most importantly that YOU DID IT!

I think back to my undergrad in much of the same way. Though for the first two attempts for me as soon as the burn hit I jumped ship and tried another college all together. Hindsight, being 20/20, that was a pretty dumb idea. This isn't saying that I screwed my life up, but it's just saying that really I should have reached inside to that part where it's about toughing it out and, well, toughed it out.

So will all of college be a dream and a great time? No, probably not. But will it be worth it when you've made it through? Absolutely! Only instead of a big banner that says FINISH (which I think colleges should have) you get a big stage and a handshake from the president. Still pretty cool...

1 comment:

  1. Nice Job,

    Sometimes the life lessons have to be learned through living life... Usually, the hard work and sticking it out pays off in the end.



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