Thursday, March 26, 2009

Watching the River Rise...

Sorry I've been quiet on the blog this week... (two weeks in a row! Eek! Was in Europe last week, visited Queen's University in Belfast and Oslo University in, well, Oslo. :))

As you may have figured out from previous blogs we're located in Moorhead, MN and less than a block from the rapidly rising Red River of the North. A few of our staff have homes directly in the flood path (who wouldn't want a home on the river, right?) and the rest of us have friends and family directly affected by this so we've been out filling, tying and lifting sandbags all week.

It's been amazing- the comradarie among everyone out helping out, and the THOUSANDS of college students out giving all they've got to the effort. Frankly, a few of us worried that some college students would see this as a free week off and not come out and help but that has not been the case at all. At one point I was the oldest person in my sandbagging line! (I'm only in my late twenties!) So, like a local said in the Fargo Forum, "I'm going to throw a sandbag at the next person who complains about the college kids in the area and ask anyone who complains about high school kids to kiss my wet, muddy, sandy @$$".

See a view of the river from our office:

We're waiting now for a load of sandbags to be delivered across the street from the office and are going to head out and start piling them up... I don't want to swim to work this week! :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the sand bagging! I can't even imagine the difficulty with the impending floods. Miss you!


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