Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blog Addict.

I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed by this or simply shocked. I never thought I would be one of "those people", but here I am, following avidly the blogs of people I don't know.

Typically they revolve around subjects near and dear to my heart such as marketing for higher ed (I'm always looking for new ways to reach out to high school students) and community college education. (I'm an education junkie, it's OK, I have come to terms with that.) But I didn't realize how much I looked forward each day to see what the new blog topic was going to be and the discussion around it until there wasn't a new posting on one of them today. And it made me sad! I couldn't believe it! My day was a little less bright because there wasn't a new post yet on a blog. What on earth has my world come to?!

But, in my defense, I didn't know how interesting blogs revolving around a specific topic could be. I actually find myself searching out blogs on college websites when I am working with the schools to get a student perspective of the college and see what they are like. I also find myself using the blogs as a source of inspiration when I've hit a roadblock. It's nice to see a journal of sorts of how someone else approached a similar issue and what problems came up as it was worked through.

So yes, I have now found myself a blog addict. Well, the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?

Have a great holiday everyone! I will be back on next week.

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